National politics

Medical abuse

Today Gordon Brown launched the Labour manifesto at the soon to open Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Cabinet Office guidelines specifically preclude using government facilities, including NHS ones, for party political purposes, see here.

I remember local Labour MP, Gisela Stuart, being interviewed around the time of the 2005 general election and saying that it was easy to campaign for Labour as they were building Birmingham’s first new hospital since the war. She really does not know what a dumb statement this is and repeats it prominently on her website:

Edgbaston houses the brand new University Hospital, Birmingham’s first new hospital in 70 years. When it opens in 2010, this hospital will provide state of the art medical care to hundreds of people throughout the West Midlands.

Think about it. Under the NHS, which celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2008, the second largest city in the UK has never had a new hospital.

2 replies on “Medical abuse”

This all sounds a little like you’re anti-NHS. Perhaps you’d like to clarify your position? Is this view shared by your party?



I am not anti-NHS but I do think that the NHS fails to manage the split between capital and revenue very well and often fails to get capital spending decisions right and the Birmingham story underlines that. Doesn’t the Birmingham story make you wonder?


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